Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Me again

Just proving that I still exist. No real updates about London. I did turn 21 though...very exciting. I can finally drink! (legally, that is). Scary that they sell alcohol to me now...mwa ha ha. Packing for London hasn't really begun yet...still waiting for christmas to see what new stuff I need to buy. Thinking of getting a Nintendo DS/Sony PSP too. Any thoughts about which one? Leave a comment below.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Testing, 1..2..3..

This will be my online journal for all to see while I'm in London (and no, I'm not there many questions already, jeez...). I'll try to update it as much as possible....but probably not regularily until I'm actually in England. So watch my AIM profile/away message for updates (My screenname is QGBassist).