Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Me again

Just proving that I still exist. No real updates about London. I did turn 21 though...very exciting. I can finally drink! (legally, that is). Scary that they sell alcohol to me now...mwa ha ha. Packing for London hasn't really begun yet...still waiting for christmas to see what new stuff I need to buy. Thinking of getting a Nintendo DS/Sony PSP too. Any thoughts about which one? Leave a comment below.


phil said...

Hmm things to buy. I think you should buy your flatmates drinks at the pubs every nite. that would be money well spent. ;)

hope the packing is going well...i just...unpacked. from school. this may take awhile.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »

cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites