Thursday, March 03, 2005

Feels good to be home

Well it's been almost a whole week back in London after my trip, and this land across the pond has never felt this much like home. Just hearing English spoken as the primary language is great.

It was a pretty chill week, very relaxing and healing. Monday I was still sick (stupid Florence and its Uffizi museum...) so I stayed in bed and didn't accomplish much. Well, I did manage to get a bit of grocery shopping done, so that was nice. Monday night we did chicken and pasta for dinner, very tasty.

Tuesday I went to O'Boyle's class, and was going to stay afterwards in the classroom building to work on a paper. However, in true O'Boyle fashion, he took us on a walking tour and then to a couple pubs. After yelling at us for three hours about how ND student's aren't radical enough (apparently he thinks we should be the next Berkely or something), I headed back to the flats and hung out with people. At least the pubs were east London, which was a new experience.

Wednesday I went to the building early to work on my paper, and then had finance, that class does not get any less boring week to week. After class I headed back to the flats and had hamburgers for dinner (so good...), and then watched 'Love Actually.' Pretty cute movie...its cool too because a lot of it takes place in London. I then finally wrote my paper and went to bed.

Today I had Bradshaw's class, which was strangely unexciting, and now sit in the computer lab in the classroom building waiting for rehearsal. I'm playing piano tonight for a reconciliation service, but I haven't even seen the music yet. Should be least we have 45 minutes to warm up.

So that is my uneventful, but relaxing, week so far. On the plus side, I got an A on my philo paper and an A on my pop test for O'Boyle's class. So those were uplifters! But for now, I say goodday.


Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »