Friday, April 01, 2005

You would think that I would learn...

Man, this has to be my longest no-blog streak yet. Loyal readers, I'm embarrassed.

Here's a quick run down of the last two weeks:

Tuesday after my last post, we discussed Victorian pornagraphy in O'Boyle's class...pretty funny actually. Wednesday i had another boring Macroeconomics class, Thursday was a decent Bradshaw class, Friday was a really boring Shakespeare class...we didn't even act! Afterwards though, Mike and I went to the Tate Modern Museum, which is right next to the Globe theatre. It was...interesting, to say the least.

Last week was more of the same for the most part, except that my parents were in town for Easter! We did Oxford, The Tower of London, and Madame Toussard's. All except the last one were awesome. It was totally great having them here. They even cooked for me and my friends!

This week was paper were, with a 5 page philo paper and a 12 page history paper sucking my time. But they're both done, and now it's time for Spain! More updates to come after I visit Madrid, Valencia, and Barcelona! Yay!!!

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