Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here we go again!

Hello all.

It's been some time. Five years (plus!), in fact. Since then, there's been a few changes; if you're reading this, you likely have followed along, but email me for Cliff's Notes.

But with new adventures comes a new blog (design). Molly and I are off to California next week. We leave Saturday, August 14 and return to Chicago Saturday, August 21. We're flying to L.A., and taking the scenic route up the PCH to San Francisco--where the latest high is a balmy 59 degrees Fahrenheit (though apocryphal, see Twain, Mark). We are also spending a few days in Napa, where we'll get our Bottle Shock on.

Along the way, we plan to eat at a few swanky places. So far, we're booked for:
We'll be updating with pictures and thoughts from the road, so be sure to stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam And Molly, We will definately follow along. Also, describe the food you order. I want to know what is in everything!!