Saturday, August 14, 2010

Welcome to California!

The stars! The scene! The smog!

We've only been in L.A. for a few hours, but it's already everything we could have hoped for. After a picturesque (and traffic-laden) drive through downtown, we've settled into our hotel, which seems to have been lifted from an episode of Melrose Place. We kid, it's actually a very nice little boutique spot, with a 24/7 courtyard pool, wonderful service, and a castle attached!

But we didn't want to stay at the hotel long. We're in Hollywood, baby! We hit the walk, and stopped along the way for the greatest fast food in America. Yes, our first time at In-N-Out Burger has converted us. Sorry Wendy's, your red-haired crown has been usurped in our books.

While in Hollywood, we of course stopped to take some pictures with the stars. Well, mostly just their cemented hand prints. In all, a good afternoon that is about to be capped off by some time pool-side and a trip to sushi hot-spot Katsuya with local friends. Hooray for Hollywood!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Adam & Molly, Wow! Keep up the blog. We love it!