Monday, February 14, 2005

Back again!

Whew...I'm actually updating this thing within a week's time. I'm so awesome.

Friday night we tried to go to Zoo Bar as planned, since Jess's friend had apparently weaseled her way on the guest list. Unfortunately, apparently 'weasel' to her means 'to not get on the guest list at all,' because we sure didn't have free cover. We ended up at another bar in frustration, Digress, near Regent Street. It was ok, but drinks were still a little expensive, and the music was very strange...I'm really starting to think that '80's music is brand new over here or something.

Saturday we woke up bright and early and 12 of us went to Warwick Castle [pictures up when I get around to it. Get off my back already!]. It was an hour and a half train ride north, but it was gorgeous. Its a very large castle that has Victorian decorations in the great hall, actors portraying characters, a small dungeon and museum to look at, a peakcock garden (with real peacocks!) and some great photo ops.

Saturday night I stayed in to work on my paper, but ended up only getting part of it done because a whole bunch of us decided to play games. We played Taboo, which was fun, and we played a fabulous game called 'family.' Its essentially a party/ice breaker game, but its still a blast.

Sunday I intended to go to the Duke to watch the Manchester United - Manchester City match (which Man U won 2-0...yay!), but instead I had to go to the classroom building and pick up/work on some piano music for my Concert Life presentation on Thursday. I'm playing Gershwin's Summertime and Emily is singing. After that, I came back to the flat to work on more of my paper, and then helped make dinner for our flat and the girls next door. We had a penne/spinich bake with Marscapone and blue cheese, along with salad, baked brie, and cookies and ice cream. It was awesome. After dinner, we played more games (which were a hit with the newbies as well), and then I finished up my 4am. Whoops. Oh well, I got plenty of sleep. I love not having class until 2pm!

Which leads me to my next point...its time to go. Cheers!

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