Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tuesdays with Adam

hmm...I like that.

Yesterday I had a paper-seminar instead of my full Philosophy of Law class. It was far more boring than it could have been. Basically, 7 of us (out of about 22 that are usually in the class) sat with our professor for an hour, and he interviewed us individually about our papers. We didn't even speak to one another! So much for a seminar, although apparently later groups actually did have discussions.

Last night we tried to go to Walkabout again, but we left way too late (we got there at around 11:00), and the line was probably like two hours. Being the impatient Americans we are, we decided to head to the Covent Garden area where we had heard about some clubs. Unfortunately, we headed in the completely wrong direction. God must have been smiling on us last night though, because our friend Scott stopped to ask one man, who was alone, where Covent Garden was. Lo and behold, that man was going there. What are the odds?

We ended up going to Los Locos club, which was really fun. It's a lot smaller than Walkabout, and the happy hour only runs till midnight (lesson learned...we got there around 11:30). But during said happy hour, the best deal is a pitcher of 6 mixed drinks (Mai Tai's, Long Island Iced Teas, etc) for 8 pounds. That, and no cover for students on Mondays and Wednesdays equals a potentially great Wednesday coming up, now that we know where the place is. Plus, the people in the club were decidely less sketch than at Walkabout, which seems to attract a lot of old, sweaty Italian men.

Today I had class with O'Boyle...and we had a pop test. An hour long, unannounced, mid-term exam, with eight essay questions. Who does that? After that major surprise, we had an interesting discussion about adultery and marriage, and then called it a day.

I'm now in the classroom computer cluster, waiting to go to MacBeth (put on by the Royal Shakespeare Company) tonight. I had a sweet chicken samosa for dinner, and then decided to chill. But now...I'm out.

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