Friday, February 04, 2005

Where does the time go?

I'm still here I swear.

Its been a LONG time since I last updated, I know. I'm really bad at this apparently. Anyway, let's see...I last updated...Sunday?! Oh man, I have some work to do.

Monday was class first, and we actually got into a decent class discussion in Philosophy. That night was Walkabout again. Unfortunately, we had to leave at midnight b/c a certain lady friend of ours had a wee bit too much to drink (i.e. we dragged her home 3 miles). Bleh.

Tuesday was O'Boyle's Crime and Punishment class. During the second half of the class, we took a walking tour to the Foundling Hospital Museum. The Foundling Hospital is where abandoned infants during the Victorian period in London would be dropped off. The museum is very interesting, and even features much of the composer Handel's original scores, since he was a large donor to the original hospital. After the tour, O'Boyle took us out drinking at 'The Rocket,' a pub nearby the museum. It was good...good beer prices (7 pounds for 5 pints of Carling...I split it, don't worry) and I had a tasty burger.

After the pub, I met up with my Concert Life class for a Tchaikovsky concert. Solid, but not as good as the previous concert. We then went to SportsCafe following the concert. I keep swearing that place off, but its just so cheap!

Wednesday was Finance (wow, this class just gets more and more boring). Wednesday night we didn't do much. Duke of York followed by hostel booking for our first trip. Nice to get all that out of the way.

Thursday's classes first brought Bradshaw's Theology class. After another 100% on the quiz (yay!), we watched a video and then took a tour down to Westminster Abbey [pictures up later]. That place is awesome. And, since Bradshaw is an Anglican priest, we got to go to a lot of the places the general public doesn't get to go anymore, like the shrine of King Edward the Confessor. We also saw poet's corner, the tombs of Henry VII and Elizabeth I, and for those of you who have read The Da Vinci Code, we saw the Newton-planet memorial thing. Yeah.

Concert life wasn't too bad on Thursday either. A couple of good group presentations, and we're getting into my favorite parts of music history.

Today Pat and I had lunch at Tiger Tiger and then checked out the National Gallery. Very cool. I saw lots of art by Monet, Manet, Leonardo, Raphael, and tons more. We were there an hour and a half and didn't even make it out the first wing!

When we got home, Phil, Pat, Mike, and I cooked a great chicken-alfredo dinner. Then, Pat, Mike, and I went to St Martins-in-the-field church in Trafalgar Square for a Vivaldi concert. We heard two violin concertos by Vivaldi, Pachabel's Canon, Mozart's three Salzburg Symphonies, and Vivaldi's Four Seasons. All amazing. Great acoustics in the church too.

After the concert, we decided to just wander. We ended up at a pub in SoHo, of all places, which was really cool. After a couple pints, we made our way back to the Landward and called it an evening. Well, after lots of talking and TV (as you can probably tell by the time of this message...if you can't, its very late), we decided to go to bed.

So that was my week. Paper writing and Zoo Bar planned for tomorrow, and a trip to Greenwich (to see the meridian) Sunday, plus the Super Bowl at the Duke of York! I can't believe this, but I think I'm actually going to cheer for the Pats. Ugh.