Sunday, January 30, 2005

The wackiest week of all

It was certainly quite a week.

Friday I didn't do too much. That night I hit up the Duke of York. Again. Starting to become my regular hang out :)

Saturday we went to Canterbury (like the tales)! Great times. Here's some pictures:

Marlowe Memorial Posted by Hello

Me and Phil in Canterbury Posted by Hello

High Street in Canterbury Posted by Hello

The Cathedral at Canterbury Posted by Hello

Great times. My friend Chris and I tried to go to a brewery that was featured on the map (after Phil and I got some wonderful fish and chips, as featured above), but alas, no such brewery existed. We did get to see Marlowe's Memorial (the playwright) and the royal museum of Canterbury. Then we went to a pub for a couple pints. Great beer, micro-brewery stuff. I'm getting spoiled with the great beer over here.

Afterwards, we went on a tour of the Canterbury Cathedral. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Anglican Church; sort of like a mini-pope. The Cathedral is HUGE. After our tour, we went to an evening prayer service and then home.

Last night we went out to a local bar, the Tiburn I think., but not great.

Today I did nothing. It was wonderful. I even stayed in and watched Trainspotting. Quality flick.

Tomorrow is Tiger Tiger for lunch (a posh club, but with apparently good lunch specials). Night!