Sunday, January 16, 2005

Hear ye, hear ye and the Duke of York

[Note: I forgot the other day to mention that my bag did make it here, Friday night. So, much to the appreciation of those around me, I got all fresh clothes back].

Wow. Its been two days already since I've posted.

Yesterday (Saturday) was a great day. We woke up and went to some more oreintation meetings (ugh...), but then had lunch and went on a bus tour of the city. For lunch we had pizza, and I found the courage to try to corn pizza (which is essentially cheese pizza with corn on top). Surprisingly, very good.

The bus tour was loads of fun as well. We saw the Tower Bridge (picured above), Big Ben,Marble Arch, The London Eye (Ferris Wheel),The Parliament Building, St Paul's Catherdral, and the Tower of London.

Defintely a cool trip to see everything. Afterwards, we made some chicken pasta for dinner (yum) and headed over to the casino next to our flats. Surprisingly a very classy place. I ended up down 5 pounds, but it was entertaining. We then went to the Duke of York, which a small pub down the street. Definitely a sweet place though. Great beer and a very chill atmostsphere provided for a fun evening. We finished up the night with some poker (which is lost again...) and finally, sleep.

This morning, Phil (my roomate), our friend Scott, and I went to speaker's corner at Hyde Park. Basically, it is a bunch of crazy people that stand up on boxes and talk about whatever they feel like. Pictures can be found here and here.

Well, I'm off to Camden Town to explore before mass and some stuff with all the ND Londoners. Classes start tomorrow. Bleh.

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