Sunday, January 23, 2005

Stonehenge and Bath and one strange musical...

Last night, Pat, Mike, Phil, and I cooked one hell of a dinner. We made our own meat sauce for pasta and also had salad, french bread (complete with oil and vinegar dipping sauce) and wine. Very tasty.

Ok, enough about that. After dinner, we went to see 'Sweeney Todd,' which is the strangest musical I think I've ever seen. Its about a 'demon barber from fleet street' in Victorian London. Not too bad though, and certainly entertaining.

Afterwards we came back and just chilled, since we needed to get up this morning at about 7:00 am.

Because today was our day trip to Stonehenge and Bath! [pictures up tomorrow]. It was very fun, but Stonehenge was incredibly anticlimatic. Its just a bunch of rocks!! But I suppose if you're in England, there's no excuse not to see it. Bath was a blast though. It was really neat to see the hot springs, even if we can't touch them (Romans loved to line things in lead. Kept the water warm, but not so healthy for human contact).

After that excitement, we came home and made tacos for dinner. Mmm! Very tasty. Phil and I then joined A.J. and Rachelle (two girls from upstairs) for some wine, and then the girls and I (because Phil's a big loser) hit up the Duke of York. I then came back, and after a quick jaunt to McDonalds for a McFlurry with Pat, now plan on going to bed. Speakers' Corner again tomorrow!