Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Nothing like drinking with professors

I had my second class of the semester today: Crime and Punishment in Victorian London. Very interesting topic that looks to be fleshed out (no pun intended) over the course of the semester. The best part, however, was that our second hour of the class consisted of a walking tour of West End and Smithfield, and then our professor invited us to share a drink with him at a local bar. The conversation was hilarious; professor O'Boyle certainly has some unique views on things...you should ask me about them on IM or in private, as I probably shouldn't share them here lol.

And of all people to be in my class, Pablo Manriquez turns out to be a full-year student here at London. I had no idea, but it sure was great to catch up with him.

So now I sit in the computer labs of the classroom building, since there was really no point in walking the 45 minutes back to the flats just to turn right around and head back the SportsCafe across the street here (which I still haven't been to, much to the disagreement with my away message as of late). So I bid you farewell. Tomorrow should be another great day. One class (Finance) followed possibly by a night out at a show, if we can organize it together. G'night!

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