Thursday, January 20, 2005

Concert Life in the City

I had my last classes of the week today. First up was Theology with Professor Bradshaw . It should be great. He's the kinda of prof that believes b's are 'just too harsh.' Second up was Concert Life, in which we learn about classical concerts, and then attend them throughout the first third of the semester. The class was a little boring (its geared towards people who have no knowledge of classical music), but tonight's concert was fantastic.

It was a pretty walk over to the Festival Hall, which is on the other side of the Thames River. Once there, we were treated to a great overture by Glinka, and then a fantastic concerto by Khachaturian. The pianist was absolutly made me jealous. After an intermission during which Molly and I met a lady from St. Mary's whose son was on the London program in 1988 (what a small world!), we enjoyed Dvorak's 9th Symphony, the 'New World Symphony.' Wow. It was stunning.

Afterwards, we all came back to the flats and planned our nights. Most of us don't have class tomorrow, so we managed to convince the few that did (at 9:30 am no less) to come out with us. After a failed attempt to go to Callaghan's (the Karaoke apparently closes at midnight), Mike, Margaret, Molly, Leslie, Jackie, Emily, and I wound up at the SportsCafe once again. Molly, Margaret and I managed to get our pitcher of Long Island done right this time and that with a sweet Bacardi and Coke got me on the dance floor with everyone else. It was actually a blast. Not too many people, but enough to make it fun. However, we all agreed we need to stop going there...too American. A nice bar, but we can do stuff like that next year. We need a new late night hangout.

But now its bed time. Hopefully I'll be able to rip myself out bed early enough tomorrow to get some shopping and laundry done. And then on Saturday, we're off to Bath and Stonehenge (with plenty of pictures to follow). Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »