Friday, January 28, 2005

Its been a hard day's night

Wow. It sure has been a long time since I last updated. Things have been pretty crazy around here. Where to start, where to start?

Let's see...Sunday night (has it been that long?), my floor, which consists of 11 guys and 7 girls, had a dinner together in the girls' flat. We had baked ziti, bruschetta, and baked brie (b/c mike is crazy). It was a blast. We had SO much food!

Monday was overall pretty boring during the day. But that night, a whole bunch of us went to Walkabout, an Australian club in a converted church. It was a BLAST. Great dancing, and Mondays, drinks are only a pound! A little dangerous though...

Tuesday I had Crime and Punishment class with O'Boyle agian. A great class. We talked about abortion and baby farming (like a crazy form of adoption) in Victorian London. Who knew that the VIctorian-age English were so open about these things!! So much for them all being super-prudes.

Tuesday night, I made it to SportsCafe for pound pints. A ton of fun. More Americanized than Walkabout, but still nice to hang out with people.

Wednesday I had my econ class. Ugh. Still awful. Wednesday night was fun though. We did nothing. Finally. We stayed in and watched Ice Age (not too bad...hadn't seen it before) and Van Wilder (an instant classic).

Thursday, which is technically yesterday now, I had two classes: Theology and Concert Life. I got a 100% on my first theo quiz (yay!), but Concert Life was boring. The professors (its a husband/wife team) oversimplify things, and it bothers me. But then again, I know way more about music than the average student in the class, so I guess it all works out.

Tonight, Pat, AJ, and I went to see the Phantom of the Opera. It was really great. The Phantom was very well played. Beforehand, we ate at a great Thai place across the street from the theatre, the Blue Lagoon. Surprisingly, the Thai food here is very very good. Weird.

After we got back, we worked out our travel plans for our first break. Rachelle, Liz, Phil, AJ, and I are going to Rome February 18, then travelling to Florence, Venice, and Salzburg, Austria, and returning to London February 27. It is going to be so much fun.

OK, I think I'm pretty much caught up. Take it easy everyone!

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