Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Ahh! Class!

Yesterday night was a blast as well. Phil, Pat, Rachel, and I finally made it to Camden Town (a small part of north London) after a hellish bus trip. As it turns out, the bus we got on was the correct line, but the driver ended the trip about 4 stations early since he was off duty then...and we didn't know that. So we ended up walking the last mile or so before we made it to Camden Town. The wait was well worth it though.

Camden Town is like SoHo (for those of you who have been to NYC) on steroids....for those at home, its like North Davidson Street on super steroids and a growth package. It's an artsy, young area with tons of shops and weird, eccletic stores. And apparently, shrooms are legal here. I got nothing. I did, however, manage to pick up a sweet Manchester United (a soccer team here) scarf in the area (which later pissed off our building manager Cliff, who is a huge Chelsea fan hehe).

After exploring the area for a little bit, we made our way over to the London Irish Center where we were to have an ND Londoners' mass and dinner. We arrived about an hour early however, so we stopped for a pint at a local pub. It was neat to see locals in their true form, without a huge group of Americans to influence them. And man, I have never heard people curse like that!

After that, we had a very nice mass and a great dinner of chicken, mushrooms, potatoes, and chili, with a cash bar so we could loosen up...since dancing was next to come. And not just any dancing...traditional English dancing. In the end it was actually a ton of fun... I got to meet new people and get to know some others better, so it worked itself out.

We got back to the flats pretty late, so after talking to some people back home, I called it a night.

Classes started today. I had one (well, two technically. All my classes are back-to-back 1 hour 15 minute sessions). Philosophy and Law was my class for the day, and it was surprisingly very good. The professor seems really nice and the course content is interesting. And the nearly 3 hour long class was even bearable.

The rest of my day was delightfully chill. I got out of class at about 5:00 pm, so I headed back for dinner. Flat 5 (Bill and Sean's flat) was having a dinner, but one of their flatmates was out, so I jumped in :). Pork chops, potatoes, rice, and wine. All for only 2 pounds a person! Great deals abound when you eat in a group.

After dinner I hung out with two of my flatmates, Steve and John, in my own flat. Some people came over and we prepartied for a bit...definitely fun times. Afterwards, Pat and I hit up the Duke of York for a pint and great conversation (isn't that what its all about?), and then back to the flat to watch Rain Man, which I had never actually seen. It was good, although the ending was a little abrupt.

And now its time for bed. Good night readers! Cheers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »