Friday, February 11, 2005

Another Week, Another Post

Let's see...

Last Saturday night we went to Zoo Bar, a club in Leicester Square. It was a little pricey, but not nearly as bad as we thought. Still trying to decide on the fun scale though. There was a ground floor and a basement. The ground floor was packed but at least had decent music, while the basement was more managable, but placed all house and trance music. Ugh.

Sunday we went to Greenwich to see the prime meridian and learned about longitude. It was interesting, but in the end, pretty much just a line and a bunch of clocks. Neat part of London though. Sunday night was of course the Super Bowl! A whole bunch of us went over to the Duke of York to watch, but we only stayed till the 3rd quarter. Pretty boring game, and we didn't get all the fun commercials over here.

Monday brought class again, but that demon was fought off. That night we had Charles Ramirez, a classical guitarist, play for our concert life class. He was excellent, and we were able to speak with him afterwards as well. Very interesting person and a talented musician.

Tuesday we went to the London Museum for O'Boyle's class. Meh. It's the largest museum chronicling a single city in the world, but it wasn't all that interesting. Something to see once I suppose. That night, a few of us wanted to go to Ronnie Scott's, a jazz bar, but the line was an hour long. So we bit the bullet and went back to SportsCafe...for an hour. We forgot how much we've come to hate that place. On the plus side, Notre Dame beat Boston College!! Whoo!!

Wednesday was another boring Finance class. That night AJ and I grabbed some food for dinner, but we ended up having seven for dinner. Bloody freeloaders. Kidding, kidding. It was really nice, and everone made food, so we had a ton of pasta, salad, garlic bread, even desert! That night I stayed in again (two nights in a week! Weird...) and watched Mallrats. One of my favorites.

Yesterday for Bradshaw's class we watched 'A Man for All Seasons,' which is a 1966 film about Sir Thomas More, a statesman who was executed for speaking out against King Henry VIII (the one with like 3 dozen wives). Very good, surprisingly, and we got out early. After a nice long break, I had concert life, which was good. Four group presentations, so that passed the time nicely.

Last night we went back to Callaghans for Karaoke. Except this time, Notre Dame students took over nearly the entire pub. Oh well, it was all fun. Tons of people I know sang, some good, some hilarious. We had to leave a little earlier than expected, however, because one Jamaican guy kept hitting on one of our friends, even after she told him to get lost, and the guy even got all in Phil's face when Phil tried to step in. Some people are just jerks I guess.

Today is maid day (yay!) so I'm in the computer lab as they clean my flat. No idea what I'm doing today though. Apparently Zoo Bar again tonight or something, and I need to work on a paper that's due Monday, but otherwise...where ever the wind (or rain in this city) may take me...


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